Industry News
The diversification of food packaging machinery in our country
2015-11-04Views: 822



Now, the food industry of not only taste, raw materials and processing technology, packaging is also essential to suck eye of a large main force of consumer. In order to meet the social demand of high speed, food packaging machinery industry in our country is developing rapidly in the direction of intelligent diversification.


Our packaging machinery industry developing fast, but compared with developed countries, no matter in product variety, technical level and product quality have very big disparity. Developed countries have the microcomputer control, laser technology, artificial intelligence, optical fiber, image sensor, industrial robots and other high and new technology mature used in packaging machinery, packaging machinery and these high and new technology in our country industry has only just begun using; In China, the varieties of packaging machinery gap about 30% one 40%; The performance of packaging machinery products, the appearance quality has certain gap. So we must take strong measures to speed up the development of packaging machinery industry, and strive to catch up with the world advanced level as soon as possible.


Power will promote the development of market demand


With the continuous development of science and technology progress, various industries of packaging technology and packaging equipment are put forward new requirements, packaging machinery and equipment in the field of circulation plays a more and more important role. Currently, increasingly competitive packaging equipment and highly automated, intelligent, multi-function, high efficiency and low consumption of packaging equipment is more and more get the favour of industry.


At present, China's food machinery manufacturing are undergoing important transformation. Food packaging machinery is moving in the direction of high speed, multi-functional and intelligent control development, to adapt to the demand of the market. To meet the requirements of delivery time and decrease the cost of process flow needs, food packaging machinery requirements to high speed evolution in the future. So in the future development of food packaging industry only USES the advanced technology to enhance their competitiveness, to ensure the sustainable development of enterprises. Food machinery manufacturing in China are undergoing important transformation, food packaging machinery is moving in the direction of high speed, multi-functional and intelligent control development, to adapt to the demand of the market.


To meet the requirements of delivery time and decrease the cost of process flow needs, the future food packaging machinery requirements to high-speed production, to some products, at the same time also requires packaging machinery and production links up, also can be used for work or a long way to work. In addition, you have to reduce scrap rate and fault rate, to improve the productivity of normal, development trend is to make further automated packaging machinery.


Packaging machinery automation trend is obvious


Packaging machinery automation the market trend has appeared, but single machine automation products already cannot satisfy the needs of users, users need to more than one with networking between packaging machinery, in order to better meet the connection as well as ERP and MES modernization requirements, and then to fulfill the requirements of high production and high utilization rate of mechanical equipment.


For engaged in packaging machinery manufacturing enterprises, should be more focus on how to optimize the equipment, if attention is mainly on the price, the development will be affected by a lot of restrictions. At the same time we also clearly see that these areas of the fierce market competition, enterprises want to do big and stronger, then you need to walk the path of knowledge industry. Achieve breakthrough in the field of industrial automation is the important way of taking the path of knowledge industry.


At present, industrial robots, microelectronics, computer, intelligent and image sensor technology will also get more and more widely used, prompted increasingly automated packaging machinery and network. So in the future development of food packaging industry only USES the advanced technology to improve their competitiveness, to ensure the sustainable development of enterprises.


Packaging robot into packaging industry "to force assistant"


Today, in the increasingly fierce competition in the packaging machinery industry, more and more new products into the market, before seeking efficiency and quality, is not only a line industrial city, around the packaging machinery industry in the direction of unmanned automation, facing the severe situation, the domestic packaging industry in the mechanical development to improve product technology content, rely on technological progress to promote the development of industry, in the face of the future development, automation is is not for a long time in the future of domestic packaging industry.


Packing robot application suffers bestow favor on, robots use is mainly used for big volume, heavy objects, such as handling, loading and unloading and stacking. Packaging robot is also used to clean out of the reach of the human body the packing of the product, such as food, medicines, especially biological products and microbial preparation and harmful chemical raw materials. With the mature of robot technology and the realization of industrialization, making the scope of robots has been increasingly widely used in packaging engineering.


Packaging robot technology is advanced, sophisticated, intelligent, has realized the increase production, improve quality, reduce cost, reduce resource consumption and environmental pollution, is the highest embodiment of packaging machinery automation level; Packaging robot technology to upgrade the comprehensive extension of physical strength and intelligence of a new generation of production tools, is to realize the digital production, automation, network and intelligent. This shows the packaging robot development prospects in the industry.


Packaging the use of robots is a growth industry, because each enterprise all need the product packaging and pallet. In packaging applications, robot technology continues to reduce cost, and its performance and user friendly advantages are in progress. Robot technology is widely used in packaging applications, can be seen with the sweeping trend of the computer industry has the same effect.


Robot assisted the necessity of food packaging machinery


Robot into food packaging packaging robot is widely used in the field of food, but also is necessary. First of all, our country should satisfy the needs of the development of the fast food packaging machinery and actively participate in international competition, we must break the industry situation of the "small, scattered, keep moving forward in the direction of the" advanced ". The personage inside course of study thinks, the future packaging industry will cooperate with industrial automation trend, on technical development toward the mechanical function diversity, structure design standards, modularization, intelligent control, high precision structure such as a few directions.


Second, the food products have tendency of refinement and diversification direction, single varieties of large quantities of products less and less, and more varieties of small batch of products has increasingly become the mainstream. Under the trend of the environment, diversity, have a variety of switch function, can adapt to a variety of packaging materials and the replacement of the mold packaging machine can adapt to the demand of the market.


At the same time, most of the domestic food factory packaging work, especially the arrangement of more complex packaging items, such as assembly work is basically a manual operation, it is difficult to guarantee the unification of the packaging and stability, can cause pollution of packaged products. Some food manufacturers if the use of packaging machinery, is applied to a link in the chain of the whole package, such as the front packaging using mechanical packaging, then human will be used on packaging. Therefore, improve the level of automation of the whole packaging chain and quality level, is a modern food production enterprises to implement GMP is very important.


Now the overall strength of the domestic packaging machinery industry has been greatly improve, have been able to basically meet the demand of industrial production, most domestic enterprises of the technical level and product quality has been close to the national advanced technology level. The development of multiple intelligent food packaging machinery will realize its value.